5 steps to automate tasks and support digital transformation

Looking for the next way to digitally transform your business? Look no further than automation software for self-help customer support. Whether you offer a product or a service, you can dramatically reduce the time you and your employees spend on customer support by creating a bank or suite of helpful videos and articles that customers can refer to instead. This is the next level up from the FAQs.


Omnichannel customer support and automated responses

You probably already have omnichannel interaction with your customers through email, forms, chatbots, social media, and more, and you already use automation software in some form. But what you can easily do, with most of the platforms or applications you use to run your business, is set up a process that your customers can refer to before questions even arise, whether it be through the product onboarding or the product walkthrough or knowledge bases, in addition to the above, such a process can provide your customers with the answers they need quickly and efficiently. This approach to digital transformation can save your customer service team valuable time while providing exceptional customer support. But how can you implement this process? Well, it all starts with 5 simple steps.

Step 1: Identify recurring customer questions and FAQs

To integrate automated tasks into customer support, you’ll need to start by identifying your customers’ most common questions or problems. You can do this by analyzing customer support data, conducting surveys, or simply asking your customer service team what they deal with regularly. Once you have a list of these, prioritize those that require immediate automation solutions.

Step 2: Create high-quality text and video content to answer these questions

Now that you have a list of the most frequently asked questions, it’s time to create content to answer them. These can be written articles on your website or blog, a knowledge base, video tutorials, or both. Ensure the content is high quality and easy to understand for customers. By doing so, you proactively support the organic digital transformation as a company. And it will help you create great self-help resources for your clients.

Step 3: Integrate automated responses into all your channels

Then, integrate these automated responses into all your customer interaction channels. So every time a customer asks one of the questions you identified earlier, they automatically receive a link to the resource you created to answer their query.

Step 4: Evaluate your approach

Next, be sure to regularly evaluate the effectiveness of your automation efforts. Are clients using the resources you have provided? Do they find them helpful? Are there any new issues or current problems that need to be addressed? Make changes and adjustments as necessary to continually improve the customer experience.

Step 5: Repeat the process and apply it to all products and services

Finally, once you have successfully implemented automation for your most common customer requests, continue the process and apply it to all your products and services. This will ensure a consistent customer support experience and allow you to focus on growing and improving your business in terms of digital transformation.

By following these 5 steps, you can easily integrate automation into your customer support process while providing your customers with self-help resources that provide accurate answers and save valuable time.