How Can Digital Technology Reduce Your Environmental Impact ?

In the fight against CO2 emissions, many companies are promoting digital technology designed to protect the planet. But in fact, they’re actually increasing their own carbon footprint. This is because digital technology is now causing digital pollution since it relies on the manufacturing of digital devices and then the use of online infrastructure. And to build a single laptop, it’s estimated that 240kg of fossil fuel, 22kg of chemicals, and 1.5 liters of water are required. Which has a significant environmental impact! But are there ways to reduce your carbon footprint in a responsible and eco-friendly way? In this article, we’re going to talk about digital technology, carbon offsetting, and fighting climate change !

 Digital technology to fight environmental impact

Fighting Climate Change With Digital Technology

First, let’s talk about carbon offsetting and how some argue that this strategy is not fixing the problem but incentivizing CO2 emissions.

Carbon offsetting is compensating for carbon emissions through investment in environmental projects, such as reforestation. But rather than analyze ways a business can change and introduce more sustainable ways to work, carbon offsetting has become a way of absolving companies, and even individuals, of environmental responsibility. So instead of reducing their carbon footprint, they can continue emitting greenhouse gases without much consequence. And this type of project tends to involve a website, an app, and technology designed to track and trace carbon emissions and environmental impact. But introducing new technology into the world is counterintuitive if it also requires fossil fuels to produce and electricity to run.

But how can digital technology help us combat climate change if most tech is powered by electricity, usually generated by burning fossil fuels? Rather than producing a digital device new to the market to track, analyze, encourage, or inform people about carbon emissions, how about introducing an app or digital solution that replaces a standard business practice that already contributes to climate change?

CARTLY & Digital Business Cards

Networking is a key part of any business and helps companies build strong relationships that nurture business growth, right? And what do we use when attending a networking event, conference, or exhibition? That’s right, many printed paper business cards with all our contact information. And what happens to them when we get home or back to the office? Well, they go straight in the bin more often than not! Yes, all that wasted paper goes to landfills where it rots and emits methane, a 21 times more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.

Well, CARTLY is an app that aims to replace business cards and help reduce your environmental impact. From the beginning, CARTLY’s vision has been to provide an easy-to-use product that adds value to its users and helps reduce their environmental impact. Based on its company values that businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges and take initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility, CARTLY has created a digital business card.

This sustainable solution to paper business cards can be stored on your phone and easily updated and shared with others. Plus, the CARTLY platform is hosted in a data center that uses 100% renewable electricity and is the most ecological and energy efficient in Switzerland.

With a shocking 88% of paper business cards thrown out in less than a week of receiving them, could you imagine the amount of paper CARTLY can save from landfills in Europe alone? So, move towards a sustainable and eco-friendly way of working and ensure your business growth is not at the expense of Mother Nature!