A digital business card offers a modern way to share your contact information. However, paper business cards have been around for some time, five centuries to be exact. Exchanging these pieces of paper is still well accepted when meeting people for the first time and introducing your business.

While paper business cards are great and have undoubtedly stood the test of time, in the digital age, they don’t enhance interactions between individuals, aren’t measurable, and don’t allow you to confirm your contact exchange.

Besides being a convenient way to share your contact information, what good are paper business cards? Do they save a person’s contact information? Can you measure their performance? Can you incorporate them into your email signature or a brochure? Unfortunately, the answer is no.

In the digital age, you want a digital business card that enhances your interactions, can easily be shared with your favorite apps and lets you track its performance.

What is the advantage of using a digital business card?

CARTLY‘s digital business cards offer a more modern approach to networking and are a great alternative to paper business cards. Conveniently store all your contact information and social media links directly inside the WebApp. Then share your digital business card with your recipients via SMS, email, QR code, Twitter, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Facebook, LinkedIn, Airdrop, and more.

When you share your card, CARTLY allows your recipients to exchange contact information such as their name, phone number and email address directly from your digital business card. In addition, recipients do not need the application to see your digital card.

Want to see how your card is performing?

We’ve got you covered. The statistics dashboard allows you to view and track the performance of your digital business card, whether it’s the number of views per country, per city or the number of downloads you know exactly what’s going on.



Want to export the collected contacts to your favorite CRM? Cool. Select and download the contacts you want to export from the “My Contacts” section, then upload them to your favorite CRM. That’s it !

We have over 18 standard link options you can choose from to link your card to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, your company video, a link to a meeting, a portfolio, and many more. Have a custom link ? No problem, you can edit a standard link and replace the text with your custom text and link.

If you’re looking for an ingenious and innovative way to make lasting first impressions, boost your digital channels, market your brand and measure your performance? Then CARTLY’s digital business cards are the perfect solution for your business.

Start using CARTLY for free