How to Send a Business Card by SMS

Networking in the digital age is about speed and convenience. ‘How to send a business card’ is a common question among professionals seeking to make impactful connections quickly. Digital business cards provide a sustainable and innovative solution. Among the various methods of sharing them, SMS stands out as the most direct and personal. Let’s dive into a step-by-step guide to sending a digital business card by SMS, ensuring you leave a memorable impression.

What You Need Before You Start

Before you begin, make sure you have the following:

  • A digital business card from CARTLY, tailored to your professional image.
  • A smartphone capable of sending SMS messages.
  • The mobile number of the recipient ready to go.

Step 1: Access Your Digital Business Card

Log into your CARTLY account to access your dashboard. Select the digital business card you plan to share, ensuring that it’s up-to-date and ready to make an impact.

Step 2: Locate the Sharing Option

Navigate to the ‘Share’ button associated with your chosen digital business card. This is your gateway to distributing your contact information effectively. You can also access your digital business card’s link, and save it for future reference.

Step 3: Choose SMS as Your Sharing Method

Select the option to share via ‘SMS’ or ‘Text Message.’ This will initiate the process to send your digital business card via a text message, which is usually pre-populated with a link to your card.

Step 4: Personalize Your Message

Add a custom greeting or note to the message. Personalizing the text shows professionalism and thoughtfulness, enhancing the recipient’s experience when they receive your digital business card.

Step 5: Enter the Recipient’s Phone Number

Carefully enter the recipient’s mobile number into the designated field. Accuracy here is crucial to ensure your digital business card reaches the right person.

Step 6: Send Your Digital Business Card

Review your message one last time for personal touches and accuracy, then press ‘Send.’ Your recipient will now have immediate access to your digital business card.

Step 7: Follow Up

After sending, consider a follow-up to confirm receipt and to express your eagerness to engage further. It’s an extra step that can lead to a stronger professional relationship.

Master digital networking

Mastering how to send a business card by SMS is essential for modern professionals. It’s a skill that amplifies your networking capabilities and showcases your adeptness with current technology. By following these steps, you’ll ensure that your digital introduction is as effective and memorable as a firm handshake.

Ready to simplify how you send a business card and revolutionize your networking process? Join CARTLY today and tap into the power of smart, sustainable, and instant business connections!